Backup… Backup and when in doubt… You guessed it Backup Your Data

Last week we suggested a fixed external hard drive for backing up your data. This week we are making a suggestion on a mobile device to backup and exchange your data.

The mobile storage device we are proposing is fairly small, has a fair amount of data storage and physically has “shock” protection, or resistance. Not shock from electricity but the shock from bumps and drops. Keep in mind this is protection, not shockproof. The drive in the enclosure is a spindle drive with moving parts, so huge or excessive shocks may cause damage anyway to moving parts.

Like anything, if this device is taken care of and you are mindful of your surroundings this device will last as long as your laptop.

As always if you have any tech related issues. Contact us for assistance!

Mobile Shock Resistant Drive – 2TB

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Brendon S. Bean
Bean Data – Services – Contact Us

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Brendon Bean is the owner of Bean Data a Computer, Network, Web and Information Technology related services company in Gray Maine. For inquiries related to this article, technology-related issues and or topics that may be used in future articles feel free to contact him at