Computer Services
Our computer service offerings are listed but not limited to the following:
Computer and Technology Consulting
Are you having issues with your current technology? Are you looking to upgrade or improve on your current infrastructure? Bean Data can help you make those important technology choices that every business looks at to better improve the productivity and efficiency you and your staff. Bean data does not have a one size fits all cookie cutter solution. We realize that all businesses are different and need individual attention to produce for the best results.
Computer Maintenance
Almost all computers and devices need some sort of maintenance to provide optimal output and efficiency. We can set up a schedule or provide training in some cases to keep things running smoothly and without incident.
Some of the maintenance in question is but not limited to are:
- Machine Cleaning
- Machine Tune Ups
- Device firmware and OS Upgrades
- Hardware Upgrades
- Usage and Device Auditing
Tech Support
Bean Data can provide onsite and remote technical support services. If you have an issue we can assist you in a large number of technical issues from connection issues, email errors, random shutdowns etc to the random error that keeps reoccurring causing nothing but aggravation and everything in between.
Virus/Malware/Spyware Removal and prevention
Most if not all computers will at some point gets some sort of infection by a Virus, Malware, Spyware etc. These intruders and often malicious beasties cause havoc on our computers, networks and in some case steal data from us both trivial and important. This activity however cam be minimized or avoided by having an up to date virus scanning suite and or malware/spyware detection program installed.
There are also methods to actively monitor incoming and outgoing traffic on your network for these threats by means of intermediary devices or servers that scan for unwanted data or unapproved content. in short We can educate, install and suggest solutions that minimize these threats from becoming real issues for your an your business.